Executive Principal's Welcome
Wishing you a very warm welcome to Ellesmere College, Leicester.
I feel utterly privileged to be the Executive Principal of such an inspirational school which specialises in nurturing the talents of both students and staff. We believe in, and actively promote, close links with families, whose children we are lucky enough to educate and care for across our sites.
At Ellesmere we have places for 439 students with a range of special educational needs from Early Years through to Post-16. All of our young people have Education, Health and Care Plans. We pride ourselves in personalising learning through our differentiated curriculum pathways. We prioritise preparation for adulthood at all stages of development, promoting independence and aspiration. When students leave Ellesmere they have the skills they need to make a positive contribution to society. In fact, some of our students move directly into employment through our successful Project Search programme in partnership with the NHS, Voco Hotel and the University of Leicester. We are extremely proud of this programme. Please see our Post 16 area to find out more.
At Ellesmere every student strives to be the best they can be with the support of a skilled, committed and creative staff team. We value aspiration, achievement, creativity and challenge alongside respect, resilience and a love of learning. Our students are taught and encouraged to demonstrate the Ellesmere Qualities of respect, responsibility, independence, confidence, resilience and teamwork throughout school life. At Ellesmere we are a family, committed to each other and a life-long journey of learning.
Please explore our comprehensive website for more information or feel free to contact us to arrange a visit.
Thank you for visiting the Ellesmere College website.
Mrs Stephanie Beale
Executive Principal