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green band

green band

Ellesmere College Mission Statement

Our ‘Ellesmere Qualities’ underpin everything we do at Ellesmere. Our students are taught and encouraged to demonstrate the ‘Ellesmere Qualities’ of respect, responsibility, independence, confidence, resilience and teamwork. The qualities were developed by staff alongside the student council who were able to identify the key elements of the Ellesmere ethos.

Our curriculum is taught in pathways appropriate for the children’s needs and is permeated by the Ellesmere Qualities throughout.  There is also an emphasis on preparation for adulthood and independence across the whole age range. We educate our young people to be good people so that they leave us being able to make a positive contribution to society.

Our motto of ‘Be your best, be happy, believe!’ was developed by students to capture what we stand for at Ellesmere. We help all children to become the best they can be, academically, emotionally and socially. We nurture all of our young people and prioritise wellbeing and mental health as well as academic progress. When a child is happy they can learn most effectively.

We also hold our staff to account through the Ellesmere values of empathy, integrity and respect to ensure all students receive the very best care and education.