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ellesmere college leicester
green band

green band

Extended Curriculum

Ellesmere College believes in ensuring young people attending the school should have the same opportunities as their peers to access their local community, attend activities of their choice and have opportunities to follow their personal interests.

Ellesmere College provides the following opportunities for our young people at our Aylestone Meadows site:


3.00-4.00pm - Primary Multi- Sports Club
Students have the chance to play games and try lots of different sports, develop their skills and fitness and have great fun!
Sessions are run by Ellesmere College staff, in partnership with Leicestershire County Cricket Club, Leicester Tigers and Leicester City Football Club.

This session is free for students to attend.


3.00-4.00pm Bike and Multi-Sports for KS3, 4 and Post 16.
Key Stage 3, 4 and post 16 students have the chance to test their skills on our BMX and mountain bike track. Run by Ben Rafferty, BMX instructor.

For Multi-sports, students have the chance to play football, basketball,  and lots of other sports too.
Sessions are run by Ellesmere College staff and coaches who come to support certain sessions.

This session is free for students to attend.

Thursday Thursday

3.00-4.00pm – Primary Dance Club
These sessions are run by Sidekick Dance, with support from Ellesmere College staff.

This session is free for students to attend.

3.00-5.15pm – Youth Club
This is for students from Year 10 upwards. They can access a range of activities including sports and cooking with an aim to support their independence and social skills – as well as having lots of fun!

Sessions are run by Ellesmere College staff. There is a small charge to cover the cost of youth club sessions.

Ellesmere College also provides opportunities for our young people to showcase their talents including accessing sporting fixtures, community dance, arts and music events.

Eco Schools Community day with the Princes Trust

Kicking it to plastics

Little Heroes

The Great Big School Clean

Upcycled Furniture

Recycled Fashion Show