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ellesmere college leicester
green band

green band



The Governors of Ellesmere College make decisions on how the school is run in consultation with the Executive Principal Steph Beale. All Governors normally serve on the governing body for at least four years.

Governors can be parents, teachers, local councillors, community representatives and business people. There are governors meetings at least once a term. Informal meetings and discussions occur much more frequently.


As Chair of Governors I wish to welcome you to this website and in effect introduce you to our ever improving Ellesmere College. Do take time to look at what the College offers. 

sw2Ofsted has rated Ellesmere College as Good, it is our target now to aspire to Outstanding particularly in our Learning outcomes for all students. You will see that we take students as young as 4 enabling us to influence lives from the earliest juncture.

I want to thank our Local Authority and all partners for ensuring that Ellesmere College has benefitted enormously from the Building Schools for the Future Programme and relocated the College to its new prime site in Rowley Fields.

As a Sports College as well as our own excellent facilities we have significant use of the Riverside Football Investment Strategy and link both to GNG and Leicester City Women FCs.We also have a New BMX Track,a Mountain Bike Trail and Cycle Proficiency Area.

We will now strive to guarantee those with Learning Disabilities get only the best throughout their time at Ellesmere College.

We also want the local and wider community to benefit from what we have. If you are interested in becoming a Governor please get in touch with me through the College.