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ellesmere college leicester
green band

green band


Our most recent Ofsted was in May 2022. Here are some of the highlights.

Ellesmere College continues to be a good school.

  • The college’s motto of ‘be your best, be yourself, believe’ is at the heart of the school.
  • Teachers help pupils to become increasingly independent in their learning.
  • Pupils who find it difficult to communicate using words are taught alternative methods.
  • Pupils behave well around the school.
  • The teachers use songs and rhymes to remind pupils about routines and expectations of behaviour.
  • Most pupils work hard in lessons and those who struggle with this are treated with kindness.
  • Adults support pupils to stay safe and play well together at breaktimes and lunchtimes.
  • Pupils and parents agree that there is very little bullying in school.
  • Leaders have ensured that the curriculum is ambitious.
  • Teachers make sure pupils read every day and the current programmes are effective in teaching pupils to read.
  • All pupils are taught the same mathematical ideas and are supported in learning and remembering diffficult concepts.
  • Pupils learn about the wider world through a well-thought-out personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum. 
  • The good behaviour of the pupils promotes the implementation of the curriculum.
  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
  • Teachers understand what makes the pupils in the school vulnerable.
  • The school is used by the local authority as an example of how other schools can improve their multi-agency working.