The uniform is as follows:
- White polo shirt or white shirt/blouse or purple logo t-shirt
- Black jumper or sweat shirt or cardigan (alternative to purple jumper)
- Black trousers or skirt
- Black or white socks, black or clear tights
- Hair wear: black, white or purple (slides / hair bands etc)
For PE all students need:
- White t-shirt
- Gym bag
- Black PE shorts or jogging trousers
- A pair of trainers / plimsolls.
Please Note: PE kits should be kept in school all week and be fully named.
Black shoes with flat heel or plain black trainers (no logos allowed). Boots are not appropriate footwear for inside college.
If it is a wet or cold day and your child needs to wear wellingtons or warm boots to travel to college, please make sure they have normal college shoes to change into.
Jewellery can be worn but should be removed for PE and DT activities. Students should be mindful however, of bringing in valuable jewellery items as the College will not held responsible for lost or stolen items.
Non Uniform Day
When there is a non-uniform day, the following will NOT be allowed:
- Provocative clothing e.g. short, tight skirts or hot pants, low-cut tops
- Heeled shoes or open-toed shoes or sandals
- There must be no offensive or political slogans.
Dress Code for Post-16 students
Post-16 students do not have to wear a uniform to college and students are free to exercise their own choices and are able to wear make-up. However, the following rules must be adhered to:
- Students must be clean and well presented each day
- No provocative clothing e.g. short, tight skirts or hot pants, low-cut tops
- Cleavage and midriffs should not be visible
- Underwear should not be visible
- There must be no offensive or political slogans
For the full uniform policy please visit our policies page