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Safeguarding and Our Curriculum

 At Ellesmere College we celebrate the training that staff have undertaken as well as the many safeguarding projects and initiatives carried out with students. These include Breck’s Last Game and Kayleigh’s Love Story. Safeguarding is included in our PSHE day and Internet Safety day as well as being part of the every day curriculum. Staff have undertaken training that includes Operation Encompass, Prevent and Radicalisation.

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Rebecca Tobitt (Lead DSL)

Steph Beale

Angela Smith

Jo Marshall

Simon Coopey

Kirsten Davies

Mark Botterill

Kirsty Matthews

Sally Gough

Liz Richardson



Online safety and E-Safety is mentioned in the press and talked about all the time, but what does this term actually mean?

At Ellesmere, E-Safety is a wide term that covers our behaviour on the internet. Good E-Safety practices mean that students and staff understand the dangers of giving out too much personal information, having conversations and sharing pictures and data with people they really don’t know. If poor decisions are made and E-Safety advice is ignored, we may put ourselves in dangerous situations. 

The internet is a great source of information and news and when used properly can help young people and adults learn, grow and keep in touch with each other. It is important to pay attention to the dangers of using the internet and learn how to stay safe online. Unlike seeing someone face to face, on the net, people aren't always what they first seem and you or your young person may be at risk of illegal activity or abuse - be it bullying, fraud or something more serious.


Online safety is an important part of our curriculum at Ellesmere College and is covered in subjects such as ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education).  We also celebrate Internet Safety Week.


Here some ideas that might help you and your young person stay safe online:

  • Talk with your family and young person about what they access and what is and isn’t safe
  • Filters- Set filtering restrictions with your Internet Provider, this could be blocking access at night or reducing the amount of inappropriate content
  • Set parental controls on devices
  • Check that age appropriate content is being accessed
  • Personal information- emphasise that personal information should not be shared. This includes turning off GPS settings so that individuals do not know what location you are posting information from
  • Familiarise yourself with the sort of things your young people is accessing- research the games, apps and content (videos, pictures and websites)
  • Show best practice – try not to use your devices 30 minutes before bed time or don’t use them in your bedroom at all
  • Set the accounts up yourself so you know passwords and privacy settings

For our Child Protection Policy, Whistle Blowing Policy and the Department for Education's Keeping Children Safe in Education Policy please visit our Policies page using the button below

Useful Sites

There are lots of sites online that can offer support and ideas for both Parents/Carers and young people, please see below links for some suggestions: